Graduate School
Current Graduate Students
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Resources for Current Graduate Students
As you start your graduate career, you should be aware of the following policies, procedures and deadlines.
As an institution, The University of Southern Mississippi is committed to educating future professionals both academically and through preparation for research-oriented careers. The Graduate School offers a number of opportunities for you to build the necessary skills to be successful both within the academe and outside of it.
- Professionals in Preparation is yearlong series of seminars and workshops designed to help you develop marketable workplace skills.
- The Susan A. Siltanen Graduate Research Symposium provides an opportunity for you to present your research in a competitive arena.
- The Three Minute Thesis is a communication competition, which challenges you to explain your research project in three minutes or less.
- Graduate Competitive Travel Awards support student travel, domestically and internationally, for conferences and exhibitions to present research papers, creative works, etc.
Health and Wellness
University Resources
Graduate Assistantships
- At present, the university has approximately 900 university assistantships in all areas. Assistantships are awarded competitively by academic programs or other service areas. Access more information about Graduate Assistantships.
- Southern Miss also participates in several national fellowship programs. The Southern Regional Educational Board (SREB) offers competitively selected fellowships to minority doctoral students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics who plan to become university professors. Additionally, several departments participate in the Government Assistance in Areas of National Need (GANN) program that provides fellowships to doctoral students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics also. We are also introducing the Ford Foundation fellowship, which is offered to minority students in various majors.
- The USM Foundation awards a variety of scholarships for eligible students through the Golden Opportunity Scholarship and Competitive Program Application System. By completing one application, students are reviewed for any scholarship for which they are eligible. You must complete a new application each academic year.
Graduate STEM Opportunities.
- Students in the STEM fields should check out potential opportunities available from the federal government by visiting The Gateway to Federal Opportunities.
Financial Aid
- Applicants should contact Financial Aid at regarding aid available to graduate students.
Academic Common Market
- Do you want to pursue a degree program that is not available in your state? Have you found a degree program at an institution that is located outside your home state, but out-of-state tuition is a hindrance? If so, Academic Common Market could be for you. SREB Academic Common Market is administered through the Office of Financial Aid.
Tuition and Fees
- For more information regarding tuition, fees, and payment options, visit the Business Services website.
Theses, Dissertations, and Doctoral Projects
These instructions are to help guide you through completing the requirements for your dissertation, thesis, or doctoral project.
These steps are to assist with the completion of a Thesis, Dissertation, or Doctoral Project.
You must use one of the following USM Templates for your dissertation, thesis, or doctoral project.
Application for Degree and Commencement
An application for degree must be filed with the Graduate School no later than the published deadlines as set by the University Registrar's Office.
Candidates for a graduate degree (Doctoral, Specialist, and Master’s) are celebrated
in their own commencement ceremony. The Fall 2019 ceremony will take place Thursday,
December 12 at 6:00 PM in Reed Green Coliseum.
Candidates for specialist and master’s degrees should reserve a seat for participation in commencement using the online form during their final semester of their graduate career. For the Fall 2019 ceremony, all graduate candidates should make their seating request before October 31, 2019. Any seating reservation made between November 1 and November 29, 2019 will be assessed a $100 late seating charge. Seating requests after November 29, 2019 will not be honored and those students will not be allowed to participate in the Fall 2019 Commencement Ceremony.
Doctoral candidates are required to attend commencement unless excused by the Dean of the Graduate School. Doctoral candidates should complete the commencement form by the deadline on the Graduate School website. The form can be found here.
Prior to commencement, the Documents Specialist will send additional information to
doctoral candidates regarding line-up procedures. All other graduate candidates will
be contacted by the Registrar’s Office.
Additional information about commencement can be found at the commencement webpage.
Financial Literacy
The University of Southern Mississippi and the Graduate School are committed to helping students reach their personal and professional goals, including financial ones. Because graduate students face important financial choices as they pursue their studies and transition to careers, the Graduate School has provided a list of sites below designed to provide guidance on topics regarding financial literacy.
- GradSense, a financial literacy resource offered by The Council of Graduate School, is designed to help students make wise financial decisions that will support their long-term academic and professional career goals. Along with median debt and income data, GradSense provides students with loan repayment advice, spending tips, and career guidance.
- Federal Student Aid is a one stop shop for all kinds of information regarding your finances while in school. You can learn how to spot scams and deceptive loan practices, as well get some helpful tips for managing your money on a student budget.
- The Department of Education also hosts an blog, which highlights interesting topics throughout the year. Be sure to check out an April 2016 post about the importance of financial literacy.
- was developed under the Financial Literacy and Education Commission as a national financial education website by the Department of the United States Treasury. To keep up to date about the ongoing work of The Commission, visit the Financial Literacy and Education Commission website. There you will find Commission meeting minutes, previous activities, and additional resources.